Is NOCA Necessary?
Well, that all depends on one's understanding of NOCA's purpose...
At the very core of NOCA's existence resides an incredibly diverse membership to which NOCA keeps the promise of allegiance to. For over 7 decades, NOCA has dedicated itself to serving and representing the industry in Northern Ontario and the immense territory that it covers. The result was a stronger, more influential lobby group, and to this day, that group continues to represent each and every Northern Ontario contractor at Queen’s Park.
From our little-understood and often under- or mis-represented area of the planet, our members can be assured that their voices are heard beyond the imaginary line that separates the north and the south in the Province of Ontario. With member support, NOCA makes the right amount of noise to garner the respect of current politicians and our industry partners. NOCA understands. And, they do too.
In short - We matter. Change is inevitable and NOCA is really good at blazing trails. Living in the North, how could we not be?
Upcoming Events
NOCA Curling Bonspiel
9:00 AM to 8:00 PM EST
Spring Golf Tournament
12:30 PM to 8:00 PM EDT
Fall Golf Tournament
12:30 PM to 8:00 PM EDT